Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more.

There are many forms of preventive dentistry, such as daily brushing and dental cleanings. To maintain optimal oral health, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visits to the dentist at regular intervals determined by a dentist. These practices are designed to ensure that teeth are clean, strong, and white. Children should be taught proper oral hygiene at an early age.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry involves the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of oral diseases. Your dentist may suggest a treatment plan to restore teeth that are decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored or even missing. Teeth that are affected by any of these developmental or trauma-related defects can qualify for restorative care. Whether it's a filling, crown, implant or bridge, there are several options available depending on need.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. Compared to dentures, bridges and crowns, dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems. Because they fit, feel and function like natural teeth, dental implants are quickly becoming the new standard in tooth replacement.

Dental implants typically have three parts:

  • 1) The implant: A screw that serves as a root for your new teeth. This is what permanently attaches to your jaw.
  • 2) The abutment: A permanent, but removable by your doctor, connector that supports and holds a tooth or set of teeth.
  • 3) The crown (or prosthetic tooth): This is the part of the tooth that you can see. It’s usually made of zirconium or porcelain for durability and good looks.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentistry is no longer just a case of filling and taking out teeth. Nowadays many people turn to cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry', as a way of improving their appearance. They do this in the same way they might use cosmetic surgery or even a new hairstyle. The treatments can be used to straighten, lighten, reshape and repair teeth. Cosmetic treatments include veneers, crowns, bridges, tooth-coloured fillings, implants and tooth whitening.

Periodontal Dentistry

It is not a given that we must lose teeth as we age. If we maintain good oral hygiene and have regular professional cleanings and oral examinations, chances are we can keep our natural teeth for life. That involves not only caring for the teeth themselves, but also the structures that surround them: the gums and tooth-supporting bone. Gum disease, which is a bacterial infection, threatens these supporting tissues. That is why dental professionals are always on the lookout for early signs that patients may not notice. When signs of trouble become apparent, periodontal therapy may be suggested.

Periodontal therapy can take various forms, but the goal is always to restore diseased tissues to health. Gum (periodontal) disease can spread from the gums to the bone that supports the teeth, and may even cause tooth loss in the most severe cases. There are very effective therapies to combat this, ranging from scalings (deep cleanings) that remove plaque and calculus (tartar) from beneath the gum line, to surgical repair of lost gum and bone tissue.

TMJ / TMD Therapy

Temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can talk, chew, and yawn.

Problems with your jaw and the muscles in your face that control it are known as Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). But you may hear it wrongly called TMJ, after the joint.


Oral medicine (also termed dental medicine, oral and maxillofacial medicine or stomatology) is a specialty focused on the mouth and nearby structures. It lies at the interface between medicine and dentistry.

Oral medicine is concerned with clinical diagnosis and non-surgical management of non-dental pathologies affecting the orofacial region (the mouth and the lower face).


If you have a dental emergency, Smile Now Family Dental is ready to help. We always Request an effort to see patients as quickly as physically possible, and almost always the same day. Smile Now Family Dental is committed to providing the very best dental care in Harrisburg whenever you need it.

Please contact Smile Now Family Dental team immediately if you need emergency care.

Here’s a list of common dental emergencies:

When you need us, we’ll be here .